Warners Bay High School Aboriginal Dance Group

On Monday the 13th of March 2017, Warners Bay High School had their first dance group facilitated by Nigel Millgate from Yadhamayi Aboriginal Cultural Services. The students were jumping out of their skin to be involved in traditional dance with Uncle Nigel.

Warners Bay High School students were introduced to a range of dances, and learnt about the four creation animals and the significance these animals play in our history. In the space of one hour students were able to learn three dances. Their commitment to the group and willingness to get in and have a go, whilst supporting each other, was fantastic to see. They should all be very proud of each other.

The group meets on a fortnightly basis for one hour and these students have already demonstrated the qualities needed to be a proud leader within our school community. All students are working hard to prepare for their 1st NAIDOC performance on Thursday 22nd June 2017 at WBHS.

It made me feel a sense of connection to the other students, Uncle Nigel and mother nature

I dance all the time at corroborees and it was fun to be able to share this experience with non-indigenous people

Story contributed by Lisa Curran from Warners Bay High School. Published in 2017.